Notre gamme Tree-Free
Des chemises fabriquées sans arbres ? Cela existe ! En utilisant nos chemises fabriquées à partir de déchets agricoles, vous contribuez à un monde plus respectueux de l'environnement.
Environmental. Social. Governance.
Nous respectons les normes de qualité et environnementales en étant certifiés ISO 9001 et ISO 14001
Nous sommes certifiés par les organismes RSE les plus exigeants au monde
Nous sommes engagés dans une démarche durable, en témoigne le grand nombre de nos produits certifiés Ange Bleu, FSC et Grüne Punkt
Notre priorité est le développement de solutions avec une empreinte carbone minimale
Sustainability is a core focus that drives our approach to meeting present and future global challenges. We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact, fostering social responsibility, and upholding strong governance practices, ensuring that our decisions today support the needs of tomorrow.
Our dedication to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is reflected in our operations, from the materials we use to the opportunities we create for our people.
Nous sommes certifiés par les organismes RSE les plus exigeants au monde
Nous respectons les normes de qualité et environnementales en étant certifiés ISO 9001 et ISO 14001
Nous sommes engagés dans une démarche durable, en témoigne le grand nombre de nos produits certifiés Ange Bleu, FSC et Grüne Punkt
Our sustainability strategy is founded on the key principles of REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE, which guide our actions and support our commitment to sustainable development across all areas of our business.
We prioritize alternative materials over traditional plastic and view sustainability as central to our commitment to both customers and the environment.
Our goal is to convert 80% of our assortment into alternative materials and replace all products with recyclable, recycled, bio-based, or biodegradable materials by 2026. While parts of our products will still include original plastic, we are focused on using recycled and alternative materials alongside traditional plastic.
We are specialists in diverse production methods, enabling innovative solutions like using agricultural waste, biodegradable foils, and recycled materials.
We have a strong legacy of innovative solutions and are continuously working to optimize product development and internal processes, with the goal of reducing packaging and eliminating single-use plastics by 2027.
There are both economical and environmental reasons for making our packaging more sustainable:
In general, we aime to consider alternative materials for our packaging such as biodegradable or compostable materials, recycled or recyclable materials, or renewable resources.